Wednesday, February 1, 2012

January: The Roundup

January has been a great month.  I set some goals, started back my blog, have made more time for DIY, started learning how to use the awesome camera the Mr. surprised me with, and made some pretty good meals along the way as well.

Here is a recap of my month:

Here are some posts that have inspired me this month.

This awesome teepee from Jen Loves Kev.  Or how about just how awesome the entire nursery is!! 

Learn how to arrange flowers at Cupcakes and Cashmere.

All the awesome sewing tips from A Beautiful Mess (here, here, and here)

Continually inspired by the girls are Lets Talk Trunk to dress well while living simply.

Much Love,

1 comment:

  1. are those scallops wrapped in bacon? MMMM delish! cute blog! :)
